Sunday, May 20, 2007

A complete success

Well the tourney is over and it was a success. Everybody had a blast and there were a lot of very good games played. The weather was awesome 80 degrees on Saturday and Sunday well it was 48. That's the weather around here in spring espesially near the lake but it didn't rain at least. Monday morning comes fast so I will write more later this week.

Friday, May 18, 2007

I have quite a weekend comming up as far as being busy. This will be the 4th year I am doing this. What I will be doing is helping the director of a girls fast pitch softball tourney and I really like watching softball anyway. The difference here is that these girls are like 10 to 14 and they throw the ball very fast. If I did that I would probably break my arm or something lol. I get out in the air and call the scores in to the director and it's an all day affair. Starts at 7:30am and goes until 5 or 6 in the evening. I don't mind it though gets me out of the house and in the fresh air. Living in Wisconsin it's nice to get out after a long time of winter or so it seems it's long. Well got to get ready for the weekend will update soon and let you know the winner of the tourney. :)